1. Computer Fundamentals 1 hrs.
2. Operating Systems 6 hrs.
3. MS-Word 6 hrs.
4. MS-Excel 15 hrs.
5. MS-PowerPoint 5 hrs.
6. Data Bases 15 hrs.
7. MS-Office utilities 3 hrs.
8. Accounting package 20 hrs.
9. Computer Aided Audit Techniques 12 hrs.
10 hrs.
2 hours
Total 100 hrs.
Online Examination 60 Marks
Project Report to be evaluated by the BOS 20 Marks
Module tests 20 Marks
Pass Marks 60 Marks
Total duration: 100 hours
A. Introduction to Computer (Target teaching time (TTT) : 1 Hour)
- Introduction to Computers
- Characteristics of Computers
- The Computer System
- Categories of Computers (Micros to Super Computers)
- Parts of Computers: CPU, BUS, I/O CO Processors, Ports(serial and
parallel), Expansion slots, Add on Cards, On board Chips, LAN cards, Multi media cards ,
Cache Memory, Buffers, Controllers and drivers
- I/O Devices
(Demonstration of the Computer System)
OPERATING SYSTEMS Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to Operating Systems (TTT : 1 hour)
B. An overview of various operating systems (TTT : 2 hours)
(Unix / Linux, DOS, Windows)
C. Features of latest Windows Operating Systems (TTT : 3 hours)
Introduction to Word Processor Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Word 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Getting started with MS-Word
- Document Creation – How to create document.
- Word Document Manipulation
- Mail Merge
- Printing a Word Document
B. Tables handling (TTT : 1 hour)
- Formatting the Tables
- Inserting, filling and formatting a table
- Designing complex Tables
C. Finding, Replacing and Proofing Text (TTT : 1 hour)
- Finding and Replacing Text
Editing and Proofing Text
- Spell check and correction
- Grammar Check and correction
- Image Handling
D. Creating Macros (TTT : 2 hours)
Sending E-mail from Word
Import / Export of files
Converting Word Document to Web Documentt, PDF files
Hyperlinks and OLE
Security features in MS-Word
- Protection of Documents
- Password for Documents
- Checking for viruses in macros
Introduction to Electronic Spread Sheets Duration: 15 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Excel 200 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Applications of Electronic Spreadsheets
- Features of MS-Excel
- Starting MS-Excel
- What is a workbook?
- Using sheets in a Workbook
- Entering Data
- Entering Series
- Editing Data
- Clearing Cells
- Saving a Workbook
- Closing a Workbook
- Quitting MS-Excel
B. Cell Referencing, Ranges and Functions (TTT : 3 hours)
- Cell Referencing
- Ranges
- Range Names
- Formulae
- Functions: Mathematical, Statistical
Financial Functions such as NPV (Net present value), Future value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return),
EMI (Equated Monthly Instalments, Compounding Yearly, periodic and monthly)
- Auto Sum
- Auto Calculate
- Using Names in a Formula
- Formula Error Messages
- Formula Editing
- Copying Formulae
C. Formatting Worksheets and Creating Charts (TTT : 2 hours)
- Working with Worksheets
- Restructuring Worksheets
- Formatting Data
- Entering Data Quickly
- Creating Charts
- Graphical presentation Such as Lines, Bars, Stacked Bars, Pie
D. Data Forms and Printing (TTT : 3 hours)
- Database
- Data Form
- Sorting Data
- Filtering
- Creating Subtotals
- Pivot Table
- Printing in Excel
E. Creating Macros (TTT : 3 hours)
Import/export of data for MIS
Opening non-Excel files in Excel
Using passwords/protecting worksheets
Spreadsheet Applications
F. Data analysis through Excel (TTT: 3 Hours)
Introduction to Presentation Software Duration: 5 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Power Point 2000 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Use of Wizards and Templates
Preparing Presentations
- Slides
- Handouts
- Speaker’s Notes
- Outlines
- Media Clips
- Charts
- Graphs
B. Starting MS-Power Point (TTT : 1 hour)
- The MS-Power Point Window
- The MS-Power Point Views
- Presentations and Slides
- Creating a New Presentation
- Creating a new Slide
- Changing the layout for a Slide
- Deleting a Slide
- Running a Slide Show
- Saving a Presentation
C. Working with Slides, Slide Show and Printing Presentation (TTT : 3 hours)
- Opening a Presentation
- Changing the Order of the Slides
- Editing the Slide Master
- Changing the Color Schemes
- Changing the Background
- Adding text
- Adding Clip Art /scanned objects
- Working with word art
- Drawing Objects
- Working with Slide Show
- Setting up a slide show
- Controlling the Slide Show
- Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show
- Special effects in detail
- Setting Slide timings
- Printing a Presentation
- Pack and Go
- Creating and using Standard Templates
DATA BASES Duration: 15 hours
A. Data base Basics (TTT : 2 hours)
Types of Databases: List, Hierarchical, Network, Relational (RDBMS)
DDL (Data Definition Language)
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DA (Data Administration)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
B. Introduction to Data Base Management System(DBMS) (TTT : 2 hours)
Introduction to MS Access
- What is MS-Access?
- What are databases used for?
- Component of databases
- Opening file in Access
- Managing databases from the Database/ Access wizard
- Navigating in Access
- Navigating with the databases/Access wizard
- Navigating with switchboard -wizard
- Entering data in a database
- Entering data by hand
- Entering data using a form
- Importing information into a database
- Linking a table from another database
- Exporting Information from a database
- Saving Information in a database
- Closing a database and Existing Access
C. Building and Customizing a Database (TTT : 2 hours)
- Building databases using the Access
- Building a database by self
- Working with tables
- Building tables with the table
- Renaming the table
- Working with forms
What is a form?
Creating a form with the Form Wizard
Working with the form Wizard
Working with the form
Modifying a form
D. Programming (TTT : 5 hours)
Structured Query Language(SQL)
- Creating Macros
- Saving & Executing a Macro
- Running a Macro
E. Working with Queries and Reports (TTT : 3 hours)
Working with queries
- Creating a Query
- Modifying a Query
Working with reports
- Creating a report with the report wizard
- Creating a report with Auto report
- Opening a report
- Applying an auto format to the report
- Report Sequence, Data source
- Page Size, Margins (Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
- Report Headers
- Page Headers, Numbers, Reporting date, For the period details, Page Footers
- Columns (Column Source, Title, Formatting numeric, character, date, amount (DR/CR), Totaling)
- Group Suppression of repeated lines
- Inter column space
- Groups (Group Bands, Grouping Fields)
- Detailed Reports, Summary Reports
- Report output controls (Pages, control totals, summary)
- Printing of reports (including lables)
F. Importing and linking data (TTT : 1 hour)
Compacting a database
Backing up a Database
Other Utilities and Office Automation Tools Duration : 3 Hours
A. Scheduler, Calendar, Microsoft Binder (TTT : 1 hour)
B. Outlook 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Configuring Outlook for your email.
- Sending, receiving and managing the email , mail polling, mail merge to a database file.
- Sending and viewing attachments.
- Acting on messages
- Recalling, printing, and moving messages
- Searching for, and subscribing to, mailing lists.
- Using Outlook to subscribe to, and viewing Newsgroups
Accounting Packages Duration : 20 hours
A. Basic Concepts relating to Financial Accounting (TTT : 3 hours)
- Chart of Accounts, Concept of Financial Year
- The General Ledger Master (Entering Opening Balances)
- Grouping of GL Accounts
- The Sub Ledger Master (Entering Party Accounts Debtors and Creditors)
- Types of Sub ledger (Open type and Brought Forward type)
- Types of Transactions [Main Cash receipts and payments, Petty Cash receipts and payments,
Bank deposits, cheques and bank charges, Journal vouchers (Debits and Credits)]
B. Introduction to any Window based Accounting Package (TTT : 3 hours)
Installing & Starting the package
Setting up a new Company
Setting up account heads
Voucher Entry
Viewing & editing data
C. Generating Books of Accounts (TTT : 4 hours)
- Daybooks (Cash, Bank, Columnar Analysis type, Journals)
- Postings
- Printing of Checklists, Reports such Subsidiary Ledgers, General Ledgers
- Finalisation
- Financial Statements (Trial Balance, Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet)
- Closing and reopening of Books for Subsequent Financial Years after audit.
D. Financial Analysis Tools (TTT : 6hours)
- Cash Flow, Funds Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis, Budget vs. Actual Expenditures, Sales
Analysis, Trend Analysis, Consolidation, security review
- Backup, restore, audit trail / transaction trail
- Accessing database, Querying, exporting data from MS_EXCEL/MS_ACCESS for financial
E. Weaknesses to look for in Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
- Password controls not strong
- Lack of the following Audit Trails
Authorisation Signature
Log of data modification
Log of deleted data
Log of user accesses of files
Before and after images of altered data
Missing and duplicate serial numbers
Warning on duplicate entries
- Unauthorised modification of Heads of account
- Non-Provision for freezing entered data
- Back up provisions inadequate
- Limited number crunching capacity
- Easy exit to operating system
- Usage of unencrypted files
- Inadequate controls on automatic entries
- Inflexibility of document formats
- Inability to add / rename fields
Introduction to Other Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
Computer Aided Audit Techniques Duration : 12 hours
A. Controls and Auditing in Computer Environment (TTT : 2 hours)
- Frequently used checks such as
Field Checks numeric, Alpha, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, Range, Slab, Valid
Codes, Sign test, check digits
- Group of Fields Tests
- Record Level Tests,
- Group of Records Tests
- Table Level Tests and Checks such as control totals, hash totals
- Inter table tests like Master present, Master missing
- System and inter system tests
- Reasonableness checks (Materiality)
B. Audit Techniques (TTT : 3 hours)
- Review of Systems
- Test data Checking (Simple, compound and complex errors)
- Test data pack
- Test data generation
- Parallel processing
- Parallel programming
- Source Code Review
- Examination of Audit trail
- Log file review
- Random sampling Techniques
- Using Generalized Audit Software
- Using Audit Routines as part of regular software
- Using separate audit programs
- Audit systems
- Audit of Systems Development process (including system documentation)
- Audit of SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)
- Pre / Concurrent / Post Audit of Transactions
C. Cyber Audit using remote logins (TTT : 3 hours)
- Audit by simulation of errors, frauds
- Audit of Data Security such as online, offline, offsite backups
- Audit of System Security such as logins, access rights
- System Performance Audit
D. Data Extraction and Analysis Tools using SQL commands (TTT : 2 hours)
E. Different Tools available in RDBMS / ERP useful in Audit (TT : 2 hours)
Web Technology & System Security and Maintenanc Duration : 10 hours e
A. Web Technology (TTT : 2 hours)
- Internet
- Mailing Services
- Internet Addressing
- Browser
- www
- Placements
B. Telnet, Internet Telephony (TTT : 1 hours)
C. Reference sites (TTT : 1 hour)
D. Internet security& System security (TTT : 2 hour)
- System preventive maintenance(virus scan, defragmentation, junk file
deletion, tracking record deletion)
System security( password, Network setting)
G. E-Commerce (TTT: 2 hours)
- Web Commerce
- Advertisement
- Purchase Online
- Payment Gateways
H. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (TTT: 2 hours)
- What is EDI?
- Components of EDI
1. Computer Fundamentals 1 hrs.
2. Operating Systems 6 hrs.
3. MS-Word 6 hrs.
4. MS-Excel 15 hrs.
5. MS-PowerPoint 5 hrs.
6. Data Bases 15 hrs.
7. MS-Office utilities 3 hrs.
8. Accounting package 20 hrs.
9. Computer Aided Audit Techniques 12 hrs.
10 hrs.
2 hours
Total 100 hrs.
Online Examination 60 Marks
Project Report to be evaluated by the BOS 20 Marks
Module tests 20 Marks
Pass Marks 60 Marks
Total duration: 100 hours
A. Introduction to Computer (Target teaching time (TTT) : 1 Hour)
- Introduction to Computers
- Characteristics of Computers
- The Computer System
- Categories of Computers (Micros to Super Computers)
- Parts of Computers: CPU, BUS, I/O CO Processors, Ports(serial and
parallel), Expansion slots, Add on Cards, On board Chips, LAN cards, Multi media cards ,
Cache Memory, Buffers, Controllers and drivers
- I/O Devices
(Demonstration of the Computer System)
OPERATING SYSTEMS Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to Operating Systems (TTT : 1 hour)
B. An overview of various operating systems (TTT : 2 hours)
(Unix / Linux, DOS, Windows)
C. Features of latest Windows Operating Systems (TTT : 3 hours)
Introduction to Word Processor Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Word 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Getting started with MS-Word
- Document Creation – How to create document.
- Word Document Manipulation
- Mail Merge
- Printing a Word Document
B. Tables handling (TTT : 1 hour)
- Formatting the Tables
- Inserting, filling and formatting a table
- Designing complex Tables
C. Finding, Replacing and Proofing Text (TTT : 1 hour)
- Finding and Replacing Text
Editing and Proofing Text
- Spell check and correction
- Grammar Check and correction
- Image Handling
D. Creating Macros (TTT : 2 hours)
Sending E-mail from Word
Import / Export of files
Converting Word Document to Web Documentt, PDF files
Hyperlinks and OLE
Security features in MS-Word
- Protection of Documents
- Password for Documents
- Checking for viruses in macros
Introduction to Electronic Spread Sheets Duration: 15 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Excel 200 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Applications of Electronic Spreadsheets
- Features of MS-Excel
- Starting MS-Excel
- What is a workbook?
- Using sheets in a Workbook
- Entering Data
- Entering Series
- Editing Data
- Clearing Cells
- Saving a Workbook
- Closing a Workbook
- Quitting MS-Excel
B. Cell Referencing, Ranges and Functions (TTT : 3 hours)
- Cell Referencing
- Ranges
- Range Names
- Formulae
- Functions: Mathematical, Statistical
Financial Functions such as NPV (Net present value), Future value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return),
EMI (Equated Monthly Instalments, Compounding Yearly, periodic and monthly)
- Auto Sum
- Auto Calculate
- Using Names in a Formula
- Formula Error Messages
- Formula Editing
- Copying Formulae
C. Formatting Worksheets and Creating Charts (TTT : 2 hours)
- Working with Worksheets
- Restructuring Worksheets
- Formatting Data
- Entering Data Quickly
- Creating Charts
- Graphical presentation Such as Lines, Bars, Stacked Bars, Pie
D. Data Forms and Printing (TTT : 3 hours)
- Database
- Data Form
- Sorting Data
- Filtering
- Creating Subtotals
- Pivot Table
- Printing in Excel
E. Creating Macros (TTT : 3 hours)
Import/export of data for MIS
Opening non-Excel files in Excel
Using passwords/protecting worksheets
Spreadsheet Applications
F. Data analysis through Excel (TTT: 3 Hours)
Introduction to Presentation Software Duration: 5 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Power Point 2000 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Use of Wizards and Templates
Preparing Presentations
- Slides
- Handouts
- Speaker’s Notes
- Outlines
- Media Clips
- Charts
- Graphs
B. Starting MS-Power Point (TTT : 1 hour)
- The MS-Power Point Window
- The MS-Power Point Views
- Presentations and Slides
- Creating a New Presentation
- Creating a new Slide
- Changing the layout for a Slide
- Deleting a Slide
- Running a Slide Show
- Saving a Presentation
C. Working with Slides, Slide Show and Printing Presentation (TTT : 3 hours)
- Opening a Presentation
- Changing the Order of the Slides
- Editing the Slide Master
- Changing the Color Schemes
- Changing the Background
- Adding text
- Adding Clip Art /scanned objects
- Working with word art
- Drawing Objects
- Working with Slide Show
- Setting up a slide show
- Controlling the Slide Show
- Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show
- Special effects in detail
- Setting Slide timings
- Printing a Presentation
- Pack and Go
- Creating and using Standard Templates
DATA BASES Duration: 15 hours
A. Data base Basics (TTT : 2 hours)
Types of Databases: List, Hierarchical, Network, Relational (RDBMS)
DDL (Data Definition Language)
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DA (Data Administration)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
B. Introduction to Data Base Management System(DBMS) (TTT : 2 hours)
Introduction to MS Access
- What is MS-Access?
- What are databases used for?
- Component of databases
- Opening file in Access
- Managing databases from the Database/ Access wizard
- Navigating in Access
- Navigating with the databases/Access wizard
- Navigating with switchboard -wizard
- Entering data in a database
- Entering data by hand
- Entering data using a form
- Importing information into a database
- Linking a table from another database
- Exporting Information from a database
- Saving Information in a database
- Closing a database and Existing Access
C. Building and Customizing a Database (TTT : 2 hours)
- Building databases using the Access
- Building a database by self
- Working with tables
- Building tables with the table
- Renaming the table
- Working with forms
What is a form?
Creating a form with the Form Wizard
Working with the form Wizard
Working with the form
Modifying a form
D. Programming (TTT : 5 hours)
Structured Query Language(SQL)
- Creating Macros
- Saving & Executing a Macro
- Running a Macro
E. Working with Queries and Reports (TTT : 3 hours)
Working with queries
- Creating a Query
- Modifying a Query
Working with reports
- Creating a report with the report wizard
- Creating a report with Auto report
- Opening a report
- Applying an auto format to the report
- Report Sequence, Data source
- Page Size, Margins (Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
- Report Headers
- Page Headers, Numbers, Reporting date, For the period details, Page Footers
- Columns (Column Source, Title, Formatting numeric, character, date, amount (DR/CR), Totaling)
- Group Suppression of repeated lines
- Inter column space
- Groups (Group Bands, Grouping Fields)
- Detailed Reports, Summary Reports
- Report output controls (Pages, control totals, summary)
- Printing of reports (including lables)
F. Importing and linking data (TTT : 1 hour)
Compacting a database
Backing up a Database
Other Utilities and Office Automation Tools Duration : 3 Hours
A. Scheduler, Calendar, Microsoft Binder (TTT : 1 hour)
B. Outlook 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Configuring Outlook for your email.
- Sending, receiving and managing the email , mail polling, mail merge to a database file.
- Sending and viewing attachments.
- Acting on messages
- Recalling, printing, and moving messages
- Searching for, and subscribing to, mailing lists.
- Using Outlook to subscribe to, and viewing Newsgroups
Accounting Packages Duration : 20 hours
A. Basic Concepts relating to Financial Accounting (TTT : 3 hours)
- Chart of Accounts, Concept of Financial Year
- The General Ledger Master (Entering Opening Balances)
- Grouping of GL Accounts
- The Sub Ledger Master (Entering Party Accounts Debtors and Creditors)
- Types of Sub ledger (Open type and Brought Forward type)
- Types of Transactions [Main Cash receipts and payments, Petty Cash receipts and payments,
Bank deposits, cheques and bank charges, Journal vouchers (Debits and Credits)]
B. Introduction to any Window based Accounting Package (TTT : 3 hours)
Installing & Starting the package
Setting up a new Company
Setting up account heads
Voucher Entry
Viewing & editing data
C. Generating Books of Accounts (TTT : 4 hours)
- Daybooks (Cash, Bank, Columnar Analysis type, Journals)
- Postings
- Printing of Checklists, Reports such Subsidiary Ledgers, General Ledgers
- Finalisation
- Financial Statements (Trial Balance, Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet)
- Closing and reopening of Books for Subsequent Financial Years after audit.
D. Financial Analysis Tools (TTT : 6hours)
- Cash Flow, Funds Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis, Budget vs. Actual Expenditures, Sales
Analysis, Trend Analysis, Consolidation, security review
- Backup, restore, audit trail / transaction trail
- Accessing database, Querying, exporting data from MS_EXCEL/MS_ACCESS for financial
E. Weaknesses to look for in Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
- Password controls not strong
- Lack of the following Audit Trails
Authorisation Signature
Log of data modification
Log of deleted data
Log of user accesses of files
Before and after images of altered data
Missing and duplicate serial numbers
Warning on duplicate entries
- Unauthorised modification of Heads of account
- Non-Provision for freezing entered data
- Back up provisions inadequate
- Limited number crunching capacity
- Easy exit to operating system
- Usage of unencrypted files
- Inadequate controls on automatic entries
- Inflexibility of document formats
- Inability to add / rename fields
Introduction to Other Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
Computer Aided Audit Techniques Duration : 12 hours
A. Controls and Auditing in Computer Environment (TTT : 2 hours)
- Frequently used checks such as
Field Checks numeric, Alpha, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, Range, Slab, Valid
Codes, Sign test, check digits
- Group of Fields Tests
- Record Level Tests,
- Group of Records Tests
- Table Level Tests and Checks such as control totals, hash totals
- Inter table tests like Master present, Master missing
- System and inter system tests
- Reasonableness checks (Materiality)
B. Audit Techniques (TTT : 3 hours)
- Review of Systems
- Test data Checking (Simple, compound and complex errors)
- Test data pack
- Test data generation
- Parallel processing
- Parallel programming
- Source Code Review
- Examination of Audit trail
- Log file review
- Random sampling Techniques
- Using Generalized Audit Software
- Using Audit Routines as part of regular software
- Using separate audit programs
- Audit systems
- Audit of Systems Development process (including system documentation)
- Audit of SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)
- Pre / Concurrent / Post Audit of Transactions
C. Cyber Audit using remote logins (TTT : 3 hours)
- Audit by simulation of errors, frauds
- Audit of Data Security such as online, offline, offsite backups
- Audit of System Security such as logins, access rights
- System Performance Audit
D. Data Extraction and Analysis Tools using SQL commands (TTT : 2 hours)
E. Different Tools available in RDBMS / ERP useful in Audit (TT : 2 hours)
Web Technology & System Security and Maintenanc Duration : 10 hours e
A. Web Technology (TTT : 2 hours)
- Internet
- Mailing Services
- Internet Addressing
- Browser
- www
- Placements
B. Telnet, Internet Telephony (TTT : 1 hours)
C. Reference sites (TTT : 1 hour)
D. Internet security& System security (TTT : 2 hour)
- System preventive maintenance(virus scan, defragmentation, junk file
deletion, tracking record deletion)
System security( password, Network setting)
G. E-Commerce (TTT: 2 hours)
- Web Commerce
- Advertisement
- Purchase Online
- Payment Gateways
H. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (TTT: 2 hours)
- What is EDI?
- Components of EDI
1. Computer Fundamentals 1 hrs.
2. Operating Systems 6 hrs.
3. MS-Word 6 hrs.
4. MS-Excel 15 hrs.
5. MS-PowerPoint 5 hrs.
6. Data Bases 15 hrs.
7. MS-Office utilities 3 hrs.
8. Accounting package 20 hrs.
9. Computer Aided Audit Techniques 12 hrs.
10 hrs.
2 hours
Total 100 hrs.
Online Examination 60 Marks
Project Report to be evaluated by the BOS 20 Marks
Module tests 20 Marks
Pass Marks 60 Marks
Total duration: 100 hours
A. Introduction to Computer (Target teaching time (TTT) : 1 Hour)
- Introduction to Computers
- Characteristics of Computers
- The Computer System
- Categories of Computers (Micros to Super Computers)
- Parts of Computers: CPU, BUS, I/O CO Processors, Ports(serial and
parallel), Expansion slots, Add on Cards, On board Chips, LAN cards, Multi media cards ,
Cache Memory, Buffers, Controllers and drivers
- I/O Devices
(Demonstration of the Computer System)
OPERATING SYSTEMS Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to Operating Systems (TTT : 1 hour)
B. An overview of various operating systems (TTT : 2 hours)
(Unix / Linux, DOS, Windows)
C. Features of latest Windows Operating Systems (TTT : 3 hours)
Introduction to Word Processor Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Word 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Getting started with MS-Word
- Document Creation – How to create document.
- Word Document Manipulation
- Mail Merge
- Printing a Word Document
B. Tables handling (TTT : 1 hour)
- Formatting the Tables
- Inserting, filling and formatting a table
- Designing complex Tables
C. Finding, Replacing and Proofing Text (TTT : 1 hour)
- Finding and Replacing Text
Editing and Proofing Text
- Spell check and correction
- Grammar Check and correction
- Image Handling
D. Creating Macros (TTT : 2 hours)
Sending E-mail from Word
Import / Export of files
Converting Word Document to Web Documentt, PDF files
Hyperlinks and OLE
Security features in MS-Word
- Protection of Documents
- Password for Documents
- Checking for viruses in macros
Introduction to Electronic Spread Sheets Duration: 15 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Excel 200 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Applications of Electronic Spreadsheets
- Features of MS-Excel
- Starting MS-Excel
- What is a workbook?
- Using sheets in a Workbook
- Entering Data
- Entering Series
- Editing Data
- Clearing Cells
- Saving a Workbook
- Closing a Workbook
- Quitting MS-Excel
B. Cell Referencing, Ranges and Functions (TTT : 3 hours)
- Cell Referencing
- Ranges
- Range Names
- Formulae
- Functions: Mathematical, Statistical
Financial Functions such as NPV (Net present value), Future value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return),
EMI (Equated Monthly Instalments, Compounding Yearly, periodic and monthly)
- Auto Sum
- Auto Calculate
- Using Names in a Formula
- Formula Error Messages
- Formula Editing
- Copying Formulae
C. Formatting Worksheets and Creating Charts (TTT : 2 hours)
- Working with Worksheets
- Restructuring Worksheets
- Formatting Data
- Entering Data Quickly
- Creating Charts
- Graphical presentation Such as Lines, Bars, Stacked Bars, Pie
D. Data Forms and Printing (TTT : 3 hours)
- Database
- Data Form
- Sorting Data
- Filtering
- Creating Subtotals
- Pivot Table
- Printing in Excel
E. Creating Macros (TTT : 3 hours)
Import/export of data for MIS
Opening non-Excel files in Excel
Using passwords/protecting worksheets
Spreadsheet Applications
F. Data analysis through Excel (TTT: 3 Hours)
Introduction to Presentation Software Duration: 5 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Power Point 2000 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Use of Wizards and Templates
Preparing Presentations
- Slides
- Handouts
- Speaker’s Notes
- Outlines
- Media Clips
- Charts
- Graphs
B. Starting MS-Power Point (TTT : 1 hour)
- The MS-Power Point Window
- The MS-Power Point Views
- Presentations and Slides
- Creating a New Presentation
- Creating a new Slide
- Changing the layout for a Slide
- Deleting a Slide
- Running a Slide Show
- Saving a Presentation
C. Working with Slides, Slide Show and Printing Presentation (TTT : 3 hours)
- Opening a Presentation
- Changing the Order of the Slides
- Editing the Slide Master
- Changing the Color Schemes
- Changing the Background
- Adding text
- Adding Clip Art /scanned objects
- Working with word art
- Drawing Objects
- Working with Slide Show
- Setting up a slide show
- Controlling the Slide Show
- Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show
- Special effects in detail
- Setting Slide timings
- Printing a Presentation
- Pack and Go
- Creating and using Standard Templates
DATA BASES Duration: 15 hours
A. Data base Basics (TTT : 2 hours)
Types of Databases: List, Hierarchical, Network, Relational (RDBMS)
DDL (Data Definition Language)
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DA (Data Administration)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
B. Introduction to Data Base Management System(DBMS) (TTT : 2 hours)
Introduction to MS Access
- What is MS-Access?
- What are databases used for?
- Component of databases
- Opening file in Access
- Managing databases from the Database/ Access wizard
- Navigating in Access
- Navigating with the databases/Access wizard
- Navigating with switchboard -wizard
- Entering data in a database
- Entering data by hand
- Entering data using a form
- Importing information into a database
- Linking a table from another database
- Exporting Information from a database
- Saving Information in a database
- Closing a database and Existing Access
C. Building and Customizing a Database (TTT : 2 hours)
- Building databases using the Access
- Building a database by self
- Working with tables
- Building tables with the table
- Renaming the table
- Working with forms
What is a form?
Creating a form with the Form Wizard
Working with the form Wizard
Working with the form
Modifying a form
D. Programming (TTT : 5 hours)
Structured Query Language(SQL)
- Creating Macros
- Saving & Executing a Macro
- Running a Macro
E. Working with Queries and Reports (TTT : 3 hours)
Working with queries
- Creating a Query
- Modifying a Query
Working with reports
- Creating a report with the report wizard
- Creating a report with Auto report
- Opening a report
- Applying an auto format to the report
- Report Sequence, Data source
- Page Size, Margins (Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
- Report Headers
- Page Headers, Numbers, Reporting date, For the period details, Page Footers
- Columns (Column Source, Title, Formatting numeric, character, date, amount (DR/CR), Totaling)
- Group Suppression of repeated lines
- Inter column space
- Groups (Group Bands, Grouping Fields)
- Detailed Reports, Summary Reports
- Report output controls (Pages, control totals, summary)
- Printing of reports (including lables)
F. Importing and linking data (TTT : 1 hour)
Compacting a database
Backing up a Database
Other Utilities and Office Automation Tools Duration : 3 Hours
A. Scheduler, Calendar, Microsoft Binder (TTT : 1 hour)
B. Outlook 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Configuring Outlook for your email.
- Sending, receiving and managing the email , mail polling, mail merge to a database file.
- Sending and viewing attachments.
- Acting on messages
- Recalling, printing, and moving messages
- Searching for, and subscribing to, mailing lists.
- Using Outlook to subscribe to, and viewing Newsgroups
Accounting Packages Duration : 20 hours
A. Basic Concepts relating to Financial Accounting (TTT : 3 hours)
- Chart of Accounts, Concept of Financial Year
- The General Ledger Master (Entering Opening Balances)
- Grouping of GL Accounts
- The Sub Ledger Master (Entering Party Accounts Debtors and Creditors)
- Types of Sub ledger (Open type and Brought Forward type)
- Types of Transactions [Main Cash receipts and payments, Petty Cash receipts and payments,
Bank deposits, cheques and bank charges, Journal vouchers (Debits and Credits)]
B. Introduction to any Window based Accounting Package (TTT : 3 hours)
Installing & Starting the package
Setting up a new Company
Setting up account heads
Voucher Entry
Viewing & editing data
C. Generating Books of Accounts (TTT : 4 hours)
- Daybooks (Cash, Bank, Columnar Analysis type, Journals)
- Postings
- Printing of Checklists, Reports such Subsidiary Ledgers, General Ledgers
- Finalisation
- Financial Statements (Trial Balance, Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet)
- Closing and reopening of Books for Subsequent Financial Years after audit.
D. Financial Analysis Tools (TTT : 6hours)
- Cash Flow, Funds Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis, Budget vs. Actual Expenditures, Sales
Analysis, Trend Analysis, Consolidation, security review
- Backup, restore, audit trail / transaction trail
- Accessing database, Querying, exporting data from MS_EXCEL/MS_ACCESS for financial
E. Weaknesses to look for in Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
- Password controls not strong
- Lack of the following Audit Trails
Authorisation Signature
Log of data modification
Log of deleted data
Log of user accesses of files
Before and after images of altered data
Missing and duplicate serial numbers
Warning on duplicate entries
- Unauthorised modification of Heads of account
- Non-Provision for freezing entered data
- Back up provisions inadequate
- Limited number crunching capacity
- Easy exit to operating system
- Usage of unencrypted files
- Inadequate controls on automatic entries
- Inflexibility of document formats
- Inability to add / rename fields
Introduction to Other Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
Computer Aided Audit Techniques Duration : 12 hours
A. Controls and Auditing in Computer Environment (TTT : 2 hours)
- Frequently used checks such as
Field Checks numeric, Alpha, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, Range, Slab, Valid
Codes, Sign test, check digits
- Group of Fields Tests
- Record Level Tests,
- Group of Records Tests
- Table Level Tests and Checks such as control totals, hash totals
- Inter table tests like Master present, Master missing
- System and inter system tests
- Reasonableness checks (Materiality)
B. Audit Techniques (TTT : 3 hours)
- Review of Systems
- Test data Checking (Simple, compound and complex errors)
- Test data pack
- Test data generation
- Parallel processing
- Parallel programming
- Source Code Review
- Examination of Audit trail
- Log file review
- Random sampling Techniques
- Using Generalized Audit Software
- Using Audit Routines as part of regular software
- Using separate audit programs
- Audit systems
- Audit of Systems Development process (including system documentation)
- Audit of SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)
- Pre / Concurrent / Post Audit of Transactions
C. Cyber Audit using remote logins (TTT : 3 hours)
- Audit by simulation of errors, frauds
- Audit of Data Security such as online, offline, offsite backups
- Audit of System Security such as logins, access rights
- System Performance Audit
D. Data Extraction and Analysis Tools using SQL commands (TTT : 2 hours)
E. Different Tools available in RDBMS / ERP useful in Audit (TT : 2 hours)
Web Technology & System Security and Maintenanc Duration : 10 hours e
A. Web Technology (TTT : 2 hours)
- Internet
- Mailing Services
- Internet Addressing
- Browser
- www
- Placements
B. Telnet, Internet Telephony (TTT : 1 hours)
C. Reference sites (TTT : 1 hour)
D. Internet security& System security (TTT : 2 hour)
- System preventive maintenance(virus scan, defragmentation, junk file
deletion, tracking record deletion)
System security( password, Network setting)
G. E-Commerce (TTT: 2 hours)
- Web Commerce
- Advertisement
- Purchase Online
- Payment Gateways
H. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (TTT: 2 hours)
- What is EDI?
- Components of EDI
1. Computer Fundamentals 1 hrs.
2. Operating Systems 6 hrs.
3. MS-Word 6 hrs.
4. MS-Excel 15 hrs.
5. MS-PowerPoint 5 hrs.
6. Data Bases 15 hrs.
7. MS-Office utilities 3 hrs.
8. Accounting package 20 hrs.
9. Computer Aided Audit Techniques 12 hrs.
10 hrs.
2 hours
Total 100 hrs.
Online Examination 60 Marks
Project Report to be evaluated by the BOS 20 Marks
Module tests 20 Marks
Pass Marks 60 Marks
Total duration: 100 hours
A. Introduction to Computer (Target teaching time (TTT) : 1 Hour)
- Introduction to Computers
- Characteristics of Computers
- The Computer System
- Categories of Computers (Micros to Super Computers)
- Parts of Computers: CPU, BUS, I/O CO Processors, Ports(serial and
parallel), Expansion slots, Add on Cards, On board Chips, LAN cards, Multi media cards ,
Cache Memory, Buffers, Controllers and drivers
- I/O Devices
(Demonstration of the Computer System)
OPERATING SYSTEMS Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to Operating Systems (TTT : 1 hour)
B. An overview of various operating systems (TTT : 2 hours)
(Unix / Linux, DOS, Windows)
C. Features of latest Windows Operating Systems (TTT : 3 hours)
Introduction to Word Processor Duration : 6 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Word 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Getting started with MS-Word
- Document Creation – How to create document.
- Word Document Manipulation
- Mail Merge
- Printing a Word Document
B. Tables handling (TTT : 1 hour)
- Formatting the Tables
- Inserting, filling and formatting a table
- Designing complex Tables
C. Finding, Replacing and Proofing Text (TTT : 1 hour)
- Finding and Replacing Text
Editing and Proofing Text
- Spell check and correction
- Grammar Check and correction
- Image Handling
D. Creating Macros (TTT : 2 hours)
Sending E-mail from Word
Import / Export of files
Converting Word Document to Web Documentt, PDF files
Hyperlinks and OLE
Security features in MS-Word
- Protection of Documents
- Password for Documents
- Checking for viruses in macros
Introduction to Electronic Spread Sheets Duration: 15 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Excel 200 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Applications of Electronic Spreadsheets
- Features of MS-Excel
- Starting MS-Excel
- What is a workbook?
- Using sheets in a Workbook
- Entering Data
- Entering Series
- Editing Data
- Clearing Cells
- Saving a Workbook
- Closing a Workbook
- Quitting MS-Excel
B. Cell Referencing, Ranges and Functions (TTT : 3 hours)
- Cell Referencing
- Ranges
- Range Names
- Formulae
- Functions: Mathematical, Statistical
Financial Functions such as NPV (Net present value), Future value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return),
EMI (Equated Monthly Instalments, Compounding Yearly, periodic and monthly)
- Auto Sum
- Auto Calculate
- Using Names in a Formula
- Formula Error Messages
- Formula Editing
- Copying Formulae
C. Formatting Worksheets and Creating Charts (TTT : 2 hours)
- Working with Worksheets
- Restructuring Worksheets
- Formatting Data
- Entering Data Quickly
- Creating Charts
- Graphical presentation Such as Lines, Bars, Stacked Bars, Pie
D. Data Forms and Printing (TTT : 3 hours)
- Database
- Data Form
- Sorting Data
- Filtering
- Creating Subtotals
- Pivot Table
- Printing in Excel
E. Creating Macros (TTT : 3 hours)
Import/export of data for MIS
Opening non-Excel files in Excel
Using passwords/protecting worksheets
Spreadsheet Applications
F. Data analysis through Excel (TTT: 3 Hours)
Introduction to Presentation Software Duration: 5 hours
A. Introduction to MS-Power Point 2000 (TTT : 1 hour)
- Use of Wizards and Templates
Preparing Presentations
- Slides
- Handouts
- Speaker’s Notes
- Outlines
- Media Clips
- Charts
- Graphs
B. Starting MS-Power Point (TTT : 1 hour)
- The MS-Power Point Window
- The MS-Power Point Views
- Presentations and Slides
- Creating a New Presentation
- Creating a new Slide
- Changing the layout for a Slide
- Deleting a Slide
- Running a Slide Show
- Saving a Presentation
C. Working with Slides, Slide Show and Printing Presentation (TTT : 3 hours)
- Opening a Presentation
- Changing the Order of the Slides
- Editing the Slide Master
- Changing the Color Schemes
- Changing the Background
- Adding text
- Adding Clip Art /scanned objects
- Working with word art
- Drawing Objects
- Working with Slide Show
- Setting up a slide show
- Controlling the Slide Show
- Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show
- Special effects in detail
- Setting Slide timings
- Printing a Presentation
- Pack and Go
- Creating and using Standard Templates
DATA BASES Duration: 15 hours
A. Data base Basics (TTT : 2 hours)
Types of Databases: List, Hierarchical, Network, Relational (RDBMS)
DDL (Data Definition Language)
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DA (Data Administration)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
B. Introduction to Data Base Management System(DBMS) (TTT : 2 hours)
Introduction to MS Access
- What is MS-Access?
- What are databases used for?
- Component of databases
- Opening file in Access
- Managing databases from the Database/ Access wizard
- Navigating in Access
- Navigating with the databases/Access wizard
- Navigating with switchboard -wizard
- Entering data in a database
- Entering data by hand
- Entering data using a form
- Importing information into a database
- Linking a table from another database
- Exporting Information from a database
- Saving Information in a database
- Closing a database and Existing Access
C. Building and Customizing a Database (TTT : 2 hours)
- Building databases using the Access
- Building a database by self
- Working with tables
- Building tables with the table
- Renaming the table
- Working with forms
What is a form?
Creating a form with the Form Wizard
Working with the form Wizard
Working with the form
Modifying a form
D. Programming (TTT : 5 hours)
Structured Query Language(SQL)
- Creating Macros
- Saving & Executing a Macro
- Running a Macro
E. Working with Queries and Reports (TTT : 3 hours)
Working with queries
- Creating a Query
- Modifying a Query
Working with reports
- Creating a report with the report wizard
- Creating a report with Auto report
- Opening a report
- Applying an auto format to the report
- Report Sequence, Data source
- Page Size, Margins (Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
- Report Headers
- Page Headers, Numbers, Reporting date, For the period details, Page Footers
- Columns (Column Source, Title, Formatting numeric, character, date, amount (DR/CR), Totaling)
- Group Suppression of repeated lines
- Inter column space
- Groups (Group Bands, Grouping Fields)
- Detailed Reports, Summary Reports
- Report output controls (Pages, control totals, summary)
- Printing of reports (including lables)
F. Importing and linking data (TTT : 1 hour)
Compacting a database
Backing up a Database
Other Utilities and Office Automation Tools Duration : 3 Hours
A. Scheduler, Calendar, Microsoft Binder (TTT : 1 hour)
B. Outlook 2000 (TTT : 2 hours)
- Configuring Outlook for your email.
- Sending, receiving and managing the email , mail polling, mail merge to a database file.
- Sending and viewing attachments.
- Acting on messages
- Recalling, printing, and moving messages
- Searching for, and subscribing to, mailing lists.
- Using Outlook to subscribe to, and viewing Newsgroups
Accounting Packages Duration : 20 hours
A. Basic Concepts relating to Financial Accounting (TTT : 3 hours)
- Chart of Accounts, Concept of Financial Year
- The General Ledger Master (Entering Opening Balances)
- Grouping of GL Accounts
- The Sub Ledger Master (Entering Party Accounts Debtors and Creditors)
- Types of Sub ledger (Open type and Brought Forward type)
- Types of Transactions [Main Cash receipts and payments, Petty Cash receipts and payments,
Bank deposits, cheques and bank charges, Journal vouchers (Debits and Credits)]
B. Introduction to any Window based Accounting Package (TTT : 3 hours)
Installing & Starting the package
Setting up a new Company
Setting up account heads
Voucher Entry
Viewing & editing data
C. Generating Books of Accounts (TTT : 4 hours)
- Daybooks (Cash, Bank, Columnar Analysis type, Journals)
- Postings
- Printing of Checklists, Reports such Subsidiary Ledgers, General Ledgers
- Finalisation
- Financial Statements (Trial Balance, Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet)
- Closing and reopening of Books for Subsequent Financial Years after audit.
D. Financial Analysis Tools (TTT : 6hours)
- Cash Flow, Funds Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis, Budget vs. Actual Expenditures, Sales
Analysis, Trend Analysis, Consolidation, security review
- Backup, restore, audit trail / transaction trail
- Accessing database, Querying, exporting data from MS_EXCEL/MS_ACCESS for financial
E. Weaknesses to look for in Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
- Password controls not strong
- Lack of the following Audit Trails
Authorisation Signature
Log of data modification
Log of deleted data
Log of user accesses of files
Before and after images of altered data
Missing and duplicate serial numbers
Warning on duplicate entries
- Unauthorised modification of Heads of account
- Non-Provision for freezing entered data
- Back up provisions inadequate
- Limited number crunching capacity
- Easy exit to operating system
- Usage of unencrypted files
- Inadequate controls on automatic entries
- Inflexibility of document formats
- Inability to add / rename fields
Introduction to Other Accounting Packages (TTT : 2 hours)
Computer Aided Audit Techniques Duration : 12 hours
A. Controls and Auditing in Computer Environment (TTT : 2 hours)
- Frequently used checks such as
Field Checks numeric, Alpha, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, Range, Slab, Valid
Codes, Sign test, check digits
- Group of Fields Tests
- Record Level Tests,
- Group of Records Tests
- Table Level Tests and Checks such as control totals, hash totals
- Inter table tests like Master present, Master missing
- System and inter system tests
- Reasonableness checks (Materiality)
B. Audit Techniques (TTT : 3 hours)
- Review of Systems
- Test data Checking (Simple, compound and complex errors)
- Test data pack
- Test data generation
- Parallel processing
- Parallel programming
- Source Code Review
- Examination of Audit trail
- Log file review
- Random sampling Techniques
- Using Generalized Audit Software
- Using Audit Routines as part of regular software
- Using separate audit programs
- Audit systems
- Audit of Systems Development process (including system documentation)
- Audit of SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)
- Pre / Concurrent / Post Audit of Transactions
C. Cyber Audit using remote logins (TTT : 3 hours)
- Audit by simulation of errors, frauds
- Audit of Data Security such as online, offline, offsite backups
- Audit of System Security such as logins, access rights
- System Performance Audit
D. Data Extraction and Analysis Tools using SQL commands (TTT : 2 hours)
E. Different Tools available in RDBMS / ERP useful in Audit (TT : 2 hours)
Web Technology & System Security and Maintenanc Duration : 10 hours e
A. Web Technology (TTT : 2 hours)
- Internet
- Mailing Services
- Internet Addressing
- Browser
- www
- Placements
B. Telnet, Internet Telephony (TTT : 1 hours)
C. Reference sites (TTT : 1 hour)
D. Internet security& System security (TTT : 2 hour)
- System preventive maintenance(virus scan, defragmentation, junk file
deletion, tracking record deletion)
System security( password, Network setting)
G. E-Commerce (TTT: 2 hours)
- Web Commerce
- Advertisement
- Purchase Online
- Payment Gateways
H. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (TTT: 2 hours)
- What is EDI?
- Components of EDI
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