DesT!nY 2------> C.A Headline Animator

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Syllabus - Course on General Management and Communication Skills

Part A: General Management
Introduction to General Management

Planning; Organizing, Direction, Control; Role and responsibilities of managers at different levels; Working with Teams; Office Etiquette and Discipline; Interpersonal Skills and Relations; Human Resources Management; Time Management; Office Procedures and Manuals; Business and Professional etiquette.
Organization and Management of a Chartered Accountant’s office.

Organization of the Office; Office administration; Business Development; Net working
Basic Management of Meetings

Types of meetings; Preparation of Agenda; Arrangements before meeting, at meetings and post meeting; Conduct and Procedures of Meetings; Minutes Drafting.

Art of Public Speaking

What is Public Speaking, Preparation of Speech, Selecting the talk on the basis of occasion, Timing the speech, Addressing a crowd, developing general knowledge through reading and other processes.

Representing before various Governmental and Other Agencies
Art of Negotiation

Objectives; Assessment of strengths and weaknesses; Preparation of arguments/proposal; Dos and Don’ts in Negotiation; Arbitration and Conciliation

Part B: Communication Skills
Drafting of letters, reports, deeds, documents etc.,
Principles of Drafting, Contents of draft; Hints on legal drafting; Drafting letters; Report Writing; Agreement Drafting; Drafting Memorandum of Understanding and other documents and deeds; Preparation of Project Reports..
Simple Précis Writing and Comprehension.
Modes of Communication
Effective communication and its advantages; Written
Communication; Listening skills; Barriers to communication;
Telephone/Computer based communication like voice mail; email, SMS etc.; Telephone Etiquettes; Dos and Don’ts of Effective Communication.

The Art of Presenting one-self
Preparation of Curriculum Vitae; Preparation for interviews; Dress Code at Interviews, meetings and elsewhere; Dos and Don’ts at the interview; Conduct at the interview; Personal hygiene; Elementary Body Language, Body Postures and Poise.
The Art of making presentations.
Planning and preparation; Collecting and Collating Data for the presentation; Designing the Presentation structure; Use of visual aids; Handling Audience; Conduct during presentation .

Part C: Practicals
        i.            Group Discussion
      ii.            Personal Interview of the Student
    iii.            Mock Meetings and Interviews
    iv.            Practical Games testing communication skills
      v.            Presentation on a Technical Topic
    vi.            Submission of reports/deeds prepared

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