100 Hours Information Technology Training
1. Registration for the scheme
This course should be undergone by a student who has taken admission to Professional Competence
Course and registered for articled / audit training. On completion of 3 months of articled training, a
student can join ITT with an accredited Branch. Students who have already registered themselves for
Professional Competence Course and articled / audit training shall be issued registration letter for 100
Hours ITT automatically.
Existing students of Professional Education (Course-I) and Professional Education (Course-II) who have
not yet undergone 250 Hours Compulsory Computer Training and wish to continue under the existing
syllabus should also undergo 100 hours ITT. It is further clarified that existing students of Professional
Education (Course-I) and Professional Education (Course-II), who wish to switch over to new course and
join PCC and articled training, should commence 100 hours ITT on completion of 3 months of articled
Those students of Professional Education (Course II) who have undergone 250 Hours of Compulsory
Computer Training during their PE-Course-I or PE-Course-II are not required to undergo 100 Hours
Information Technology Training.
A student can join any of the accredited Regional Office/Branch IT Centre for undergoing this training.
The details of accredited Regional Office/Branch IT Centres are hosted on the Student Online page at
2. Fees payable to the accredited Branch ITT Centre for undergoing the computer training
The fee payable to the Branch for ITT is Rs. 4,000.
The course fee is inclusive of all costs such as the cost of registration for the course, library fee, computer
and Internet usage charges and cost of conducting training, module tests, project and final online
examination. It also includes the cost for evaluation, marking, preparing results, for issuance of completion
certificate and submitting the list of eligible candidates to the Board of Studies, ICAI, Noida.
Disabled students are exempted from undergoing 100 Hours ITT with accredited Branches. They have to
self-study the course materials for at least three months and qualify two specially designed test papers
supplied by the concerned Regional Office.
3. Training Duration
The fresh batches shall start in the first week of each month. Students are required to undergo 100 Hours
ITT with the accredited branch. The Branches can follow a teaching module of 3-5 hours per day, covering
100 hours in maximum 40 days including Sundays. The Board of Studies can change this training plan.
A student should not appear for the final online examination before he/she completes the minimum training
period prescribed in the training programme.
4. Course Structure and Training Methodology
The syllabus designed by the Board of Studies for 100 hours of Information Technology Training shall be
imparted as per the specified training hours stated in Para (6). The faculty members are required to
adhere to this schedule. The course should be supported by intensive practical exercises so that the
concepts are clearly understood by the students.
There may be additional seminars/lectures up to maximum of 5 hours to keep the students informed about
the latest developments in the area of Information Technology which are of relevance for accounting
5. Study Material from the Board of Studies
The Board of Studies has brought out study material in the form of printed study modules I & II and a set
of 7 CDs. On registration with the Board of Studies for 100 Hours ITT and PCC, the students get this
comprehensive Study Material. The printed modules include detail discussion on all the topics included in
the syllabus. However, the CDs which are interactive in nature cover 68 hours of ITT as per the details
given below :
Students be advised to study the appropriate course modules in detail before the relevant classes are
conducted by the accredited branch. The Prospectus of PCC contains detailed rules regarding 100 Hours
ITT. Students be advised to go through these guidelines carefully before undergoing 100 Hours ITT. In
addition, the Board of Studies announces from time to time any change in such guidelines through
Students’ Newsletter – “The Chartered Accountant Student”. Such changes are also hosted on the
Institute’s Website – www.icai.org. While undergoing 100 Hours ITT, a student should remain in constant
touch with the Chairman of the accredited Branch.
6. Allocation of time for different Topics
The allocation of time for various topics of the syllabus will be as follows:
Sl. No. Topic Duration
1. Computer Fundamentals 1 hr.
2. Operating Systems 6 hrs.
3. MS-Word 6 hrs.
4. MS-Excel 15 hrs.
5. MS-PowerPoint 5 hrs.
6. Data Bases 15 hrs.
7. MS-Office utilities 3 hrs.
8. Accounting package 20 hrs.
CD No Topics Module & Chapter Wise reference
of Study Modules
1. Computer Fundamentals, Operating Systems Module-I and Chapters-1 & 2
2. MS-Word Module-I and Chapter-3
3. MS-Excel Module-I and Chapter-4
4. MS-PowerPoint Module-I and Chapter-5
5. Data Bases and MS Office Utilities Module-II and Chapters-6 & 7
6. Introduction To Visual Basic Module-II and Chapter-11
7. Web Technology and E-Commerce, Digital
Signature And Verification Of Electronic Records
Module-II and Chapters-10 & 12
9. Computer Aided Audit Techniques 12 hrs.
10. Web Technology & System Security and
10 hrs.
11. Introduction To Visual Basic 5 hrs.
12 Digital Signature And Verification of Electronic
2 hrs.
Total 100 hrs.
7. Module tests
Each student is required to pass two module tests. These tests are to be conducted by Branches in
consultation with the Board of Studies of the ICAI. The evaluation and moderation of test papers is to be
carried out by the Branch IT Centre.
Each module test shall be of 50 marks. The module test may comprise of objective type questions as well
as short questions. The duration of the module test will be one hour. Evaluation of the module test is to be
done by the centre faculty. A student is required to pass both modules tests by securing at least 50%
marks in individual test. In case a student fails to do so, one reappearance for each test may be allowed
free of cost. For any additional reappearance, the student is required to pay a nominal fee of Rs. 150/- per
8. Project
Each student is required to submit a multi-disciplinary project of 100 marks. The students should endeavor
to use most of the software/techniques learnt during their training while developing this project based on
some real-life application. The Project report may be submitted both in hard copy and the soft copy with
the Branch IT Centre.
9. Attendance
The Accredited Branches maintain a proper attendance record. A student is required to have minimum 90%
10. Eligibility for Final Online Examination
After undergoing the training for specified duration, a student becomes eligible for the Final online examination
only if he fulfils the following criteria:
(i) 90% Attendance;
(ii) Clearance of the two module tests;
(iii) Submission of the project; and
(iv) Full fee is paid.
11. Final Online Examination
The final online examination would comprise of 200 objective type questions of 1.5 marks each totaling
300 marks. The weightage of final online examination is 60%. The duration of the same is 3 hours.
The final online examination is to be conducted by the accredited branches on any Sunday of the month
in coordination with BOS.
On the day of the examination, a student is required to go to the designated IT Centre and take the on-line
examination. A student would not be allowed to exceed the allotted time. Questions will be generated randomly
for the students appearing for the online examination. The total number of questions generated for each topic
must be in accordance to the total number of hours of training allocated to that topic. Once the student
commences the examination, he is expected to complete the paper without any break.
The evaluation is to be done on-line.
12. Criteria for qualifying the training
A student is required to obtain 60% in aggregate taking into account module tests, project and final
examination. In case a student fails to secure 60% or more in aggregate, he /she may be allowed to
reappear for online exam for maximum two more attempts. No fee shall be charged by the accredited
branches for such reappearance. However, if a student fails to secure 60% marks even after three
attempts, he/she may have to pay a nominal fee not exceeding Rs. 300/- to the accredited branch for
every additional attempt.
13. Certification
The training completion certificate as well as passing certificate will be issued directly by the concerned
Accredited Branch of the ICAI. The nomenclature of the course is "C.A. Student Information Technology
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